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Understand your Metrics

Metrics Overview

Product Level Metrics

Target Metrics

<aside> 💡 Written by Radek Kricek, last updated on 1st of August 2024


What you will learn in this article:

Metrics overview

This page summarizes all metrics with a detailed description.


Percentage of advertising cost of revenue (advertising cost of sale)

Formula: Ad spend / Revenue * 100%

ACoS net

Percentage of advertising cost of Net revenue (advertising cost of sale)

Formula: Ad spend / Net revenue * 100%

Acquisition CM2

Contribution margin 2 generated by first orders (new customers) and orders from customers that purchased after a period of no purchases lasting more than 60 days

Acquisition revenue

Revenue generated by first orders (new customers) and customers who placed an order after a period of no purchases lasting for more than 60 days

Add to cart rate

Percentage of visitors that added at least one item to their cart

Formula: unique_add_to-carts / visits * 100%

Adds to cart

The number of visitors that added at least one item to the cart. The event is counted a maximum one time per visit.


Acquisition marketing efficiency ratio

Formula: Marketing spend / New customer net revenue * 100%


Average order cost

Formula: (Ad spend + COGS + Shipping cost + Transaction cost + Expenses) / Orders


Average order profit

Formula: CM3 / Orders

AOP First order

Average order profit of first orders (new customers)

AOP Repurchases

Average order profit of repurchases


Average order value

Formula: Revenue / Orders

AOV First order

Average order value of first orders (new customers)

AOV net

Average order value (net)

AOV Repurchases

Average order value of repurchases


Profit on advertising spend generated by first purchases (new customers) and customers that made a repeat purchase after a period of no purchases lasting more than 60 days

Formula: Acquisition CM2 / Marketing spend


Acquisition ROAS: Return on advertising spend only considering revenue from new customers and from customers that purchased after a period of no purchases lasting more than 60 days

Formula: Acquisition revenue / Marketing spend

Breakeven point

Average amount of item required to sell until reaching profitability

Formula: Expenses / ((Net revenue - Net returns - COGS + Returned COGS - Shipping cost - Transaction cost) / Quantity)

Breakeven ROAS

Return on advertising send required to break even

Formula: Revenue / (Revenue - COGS - Shipping cost - Transaction cost - Tax - Expenses)


Customer acquisition cost

Formula: Ad spend / New customers

Cart abandonment rate

Percentage of visits that added at least one item to their cart but did not complete the order

Formula: (1 - (unique_add_to-carts / orders)) * 100%

Click to visit rate

Percentage of clicks that materialize into a visit


Clicks reported by media partners / self-attributing networks


Contribution margin 1

Formula: Net revenue - COGS

CM1 ratio

Contribution margin 1 ratio

Formula: CM1 / Net revenue * 100%


Contribution margin 2

Formula: Net revenue - COGS - Shipping Cost

CM2 First order

Contribution margin 2 generated by first orders (new customers)

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